das firegod

When I was about 5, pay services like "On" and "It" were coming into their own, wondrous things that would make it possible for you to watch full uncut movies right on your TV, in your own Den or Living Room. It wasn't much longer when my family bought the "On" service for my grandfather, whose health was failing. One day watching TV with my cousins at a family gathering, I had my first taste of TV violence watching Frank Langella, Donald Plesance, and Lawrence Olivier in the 1979 remake of Dracula. It was brilliant, it was scary, at times I couldn't look at the screen, but I couldn't really look away either. Later, some other foreign film was on, something mundane, about a woman and her relationships, but there were a lot of scenes where she was naked, and I found that unlike the violence in Dracula, this time it wasn't so bad looking - many jokes were made, hilarity ensued.

There are things, I suppose, that I've forgotten about my childhood. One might even say more important things. But the memory of my Grandfather's den, and the images of Englishmen covered in blood, and a pretentious naked French chick dancing across the console Zenith have always stuck with me. I've seen thousands upon thousands more images like those in my lifetime, and always I realize their sheer magickal power. For me, film has always been the highest form of art. Film is the ability to combine aesthetics and sound, to tell a story, to transport one to an alternate universe, to initiate the waking dreamstate..............................................................


A Picture of me at the Profondo Rosso store in Rome, the stuff pilgrimages are made of.

Jason Hyde

Jason's Bio is coming as soon as he writes one, until then he will remain a mystery. picture if you will, a brain in a jar what controls an army of berollerskated howler monkeys. His childhood was typical, at age 5 he sentenced a man to death. During his teenage years he and an ex-government agent friend found a superhero suit in a metal briefcase, presumably left by aliens. They subsequently lost the instruction manual. Hilarity and misadventure ensued.


Jason after ordering sushi at Pacific Cafe, not odd really he laughs maniacally after nearly every action he performs.